

ask the AI “do you understand what I’m asking”

use a scoring system as a lever

Ever thought how your words might program your day – or an AI's response

  • In both AI and your daily life, prompts shape outcomes.
  • Language isn't just for communication – it's coding.
  • Better inputs, better outputs.
  • That's what you'll explore here.

Prompting AI Think of a prompt as a recipe or software for AI.

  • It's not just a question; it's a program that guides the AI's 'thinking.'
  • Your first prompt might be complex, like a detailed recipe.
  • This sets the stage, instructing the AI on the context and depth.

Prompting Humans and Self-Prompting

Think about how you use words to influence others.

  • It's like coding, but for human interactions.
  • Your choice of words can 'program' responses in everyday situations, like getting that car rental upgrade.

Now, consider self-prompting.

  • It's how you use language to motivate and guide yourself. The way you talk to yourself can shape your actions, habits, and overall well-being.
  • For example, telling yourself "I am capable and strong" before a challenging task can shift your mindset positively.
  • Or, asking yourself “What's the best step forward?” can lead to more constructive decision-making.

Taking Your Next Steps with Prompts

Now, it's your turn:

  1. Refine Your Interactions:
    • Apply what you've learned here to interact more effectively with AI. Think about how each prompt can lead to more creative and accurate AI responses.
    • In your daily life, use the power of language to positively influence your actions and decisions. Remember, the right words can 'program' your success.
  2. Act on Insights:
    • Start by identifying areas in your personal or professional life where better communication could make a significant difference.
    • Set a goal to use one new prompt from this article each day, whether it's in a conversation, a personal affirmation, or an AI interaction.
  3. Explore and Experiment:
    • Visit the "Prompts for Humans", "Prompts for AI", and "Prompts for Ecommerce" sections on my site.

Copy Cheat Sheet: The Essence of Prompting AI Prompting: Your words program AI. Start with a detailed 'recipe' prompt. Follow-up prompts refine the AI's response. Human and Self-Prompting: Words are codes in human interactions. Choose words that 'program' desired outcomes. Self-talk shapes mindset and actions. General Principles: Language is a powerful tool - use it wisely. Clear, purposeful prompts lead to better outcomes. Whether with AI or people, thoughtful communication is key.


Ever thought how your words might program your day – or an AI's response?

In both AI and your daily life, prompts shape outcomes. Language isn't just for communication – it's coding. Better inputs, better outputs. That's what you'll explore here.

Think of a prompt as a recipe or software for AI.

It's not just a question; it's a program that guides the AI's 'thinking.' Your first prompt might be complex, akin to a detailed recipe. This sets the stage, instructing the AI on the context and depth of what you're seeking. For instance, an elaborate prompt could instruct an AI to analyze climate change impacts, taking into account economic, environmental, and social factors. After the initial setup, your follow-up prompts act like adjustments to the recipe, refining or expanding the AI's responses. This approach turns AI interactions into a dynamic process, where you're not just asking questions but actively shaping the AI's output to meet your specific needs.

  • A New Lens on Language and Action:
    • I'm Josh Day, and I view language as more than just words.
    • In my world, every phrase is a key; every sentence, a gateway.
    • Join me as I introduce you to prompts — those things everyone’s talking about AI. And how I’ve adapted the concept for the areas of my site.
    • By the end of this 3 minute article, you know about prompts, prompt engineering, and be on the path for your thoughts and actions to 10x your results.

Prompting AI:

  • Insight from Andrej Karpathy:
    • "Imagine English as the newest programming language."
    • It's not just about coding; it's about communication. — this is confusing
  • Demystifying Prompt Engineering:
    • It's simpler than it sounds.
    • A blend of art and science, making AI understand human language.
    • No need for a tech background. Just clarity and creativity.
  • The Art of Prompt Engineering:
    • Prompt engineers: The unsung heroes behind AI's smarts.
    • They fine-tune AI responses, ensuring alignment with our needs.
    • It's like teaching a child, using the right words to guide.
  • feedback:this is too choppy to follow

Prompting Humans:

  • The Concept: You as AI:
    • Think of your brain as a sophisticated computer.
    • Self-talk isn't just talk. It's programming for the mind.
  • Creating Tools for Thought:
    • Consider a simple decision: to start exercising.
    • That's a prompt! Directing your actions with intent.
  • Crafting the Right Words:
    • It's all about precision and purpose.
    • Like writing code, but the language is human, the platform is the mind.
  • feedback: this section is close but needs to explain its about people taking action and getting up to speed fast and taking the right actions easily

Prompting E-commerce:

  • Adapting for E-commerce:
    • Same foundational concept, applied to online shopping.
    • It's about influencing, not just selling.
  • E-commerce in Action:
    • Picture this: "Discover today's exclusive deals."
    • Not just words – they're strategic prompts for buying behavior.
    • feedback: This section isn’t write. The point is that I’ve written prompts that humans run on their biological net (tutorials) for them to do stuff in e-commerce or SEO, home page rewriting for conversions, product page design for conversions, and more.